At IP Techniek we love our profession and we know the profession of our candidates and clients. As a result, we always arrange the work just a little bit better. How?
For our clients:
- we like to invest time. In order to place, find and retain the most suitable professionals.
- we think in terms of surprises. Because our candidates fit really well.
- we equip our candidates with the best materials and work on safety.
- we’ll arrange to supervise the work if necessary. We employ our own technical supervisors.
- we believe in solutions. Nothing is impossible, we always actively think along.
- naturally, we have all the required safety and quality certificates.
Our head office is in Eindhoven, in the heart of Brainport; the top technology region in the Netherlands. We enjoy working with the most beautiful companies in this region.
People and quality are our top priority

“We always think of solutions. We have the candidates. If not, we will find them. When they’re not available, we can train them and when this takes too long, we get them from abroad. Find, make, get. That’s what we’re going for.“
René Schoenmakers